Aligned Research

In addition to the research we directly control, BioHeritage connects, integrates and co-ordinates the large amount of aligned research being done by our 18 Challenge Parties.

Image: People, Cities & Nature research group

Aligned research is work undertaken beyond the Challenge, but that aligns to the intent of the BioHeritage Challenge  – and it is vast. In the three years to 2018 our Challenge Parties identified almost $180m of aligned research being carried out by their organisations.

Identifying and coordinating aligned research is critical because we can only achieve the mission of saving Aotearoa New Zealand’s environment by all working together to focus and scale-up efforts for maximum impact. This collaborative approach is a cornerstone of the BioHeritage strategy.

For a couple of examples check out these stories:

In 2018, we analysed one years’ worth of aligned research in order to spark conversations about research priorities and gaps. This is enabling us to more clearly direct and reshape Challenge investment as we move forward – explicitly targeting those gaps and priorities.

Visualising the aligned research landscape

Carrying out this in-depth analysis of aligned research enabled us to visualise relative project size and the degree of fragmentation in topic areas and funding sources:

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