Our Strategy

Building on the great progress made during our first five years (2014 to 2019), this new strategy sharpens the focus on three aspirational goals, or impact areas.

By working toward these Impacts – whakamana, tiaki, whakahou (empower, protect, restore) – our Challenge Parties and many other participants will:

  • incentivise New Zealanders to take action to protect the landscapes in which we live, work, and play
  • help develop a world-class biosecurity system
  • ensure that Aotearoa New Zealand has resilient, thriving natural and production ecosystems.

We feel confident that together we will make great advances on a mission that’s so important for every New Zealander: to reverse the decline of Aotearoa’s biological heritage through a national partnership that delivers significant changes in research innovation, world-leading technologies, and community and sector action.

Our role

Our role is to convene, prioritise and connect a range of partners and existing investments to accelerate progress. Within the Challenge, a wide range of partners are working together to tackle some of Aotearoa New Zealand’s biggest environmental issues, taking a collaborative, inter-disciplinary approach to achieve national-scale impact.

An innovation system approach

The concept of an innovation system takes a collective-impact approach to research investment. The approach interweaves all types of knowledge, including mātauranga Māori, from new discoveries and innovations to novel ways to use this knowledge – for greater impact and benefit for Aotearoa. The innovation system allows for a diversity of contributions from a wide range of individuals and institutions: a national partnership.

A visual representation of New Zealand’s innovation system.

Read more about MBIE’s mid-way review process.

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