Better Border Biosecurity (B3) Updates


Alby Marsh has been appointed as B3’s Māori Research Leader (0.5 FTE). Alby is a co-lead for the Ngā Rākau Taketake theme Conservation & Restoration, and a Māori co-lead for the Challenge.

Director David Teulon says this new appointment reflects B3’s willingness to fulfil its Treaty of Waitangi obligations and builds on previous representatives being added to the Collaboration Council. 

“I’m very excited for Alby take up this role as it heralds a substantial change in how we partner with Māori from now on. Alby has been involved in a number of our previous projects and we welcome his knowledge, dedication and enthusiasm,” David says.

Image: Te Tira Whakamātaki

“I am excited by the opportunity to grow the participation of Māori researchers in B3. This will have its challenges however, these will help create opportunities for more Māori-led projects through support for some incredible researchers to incorporate Kaupapa Māori into their work” says Alby. 
For more information. 


Preparations for the B3 Conference – being held at Te Papa in Wellington on May 17, 18 2021 – are well underway with announcements about keynote speakers and the final schedule due to be made public soon.   

Registrations for the conference will open shortly once the programme is finalised.  Information on the Conference is being added to the Conference website at regular intervals.  

B3 will be recognising the International Year of Plant Health at its 2021 Conference, which has been extended beyond the first half of 2021 due to COVID-19, and will have activities in the programme around this theme.  
For more information 

B3 STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2025  

B3 has an updated Strategic Plan that will guide its activities until 2025. 

Director David Teulon said work on the document began in 2019 and he looking forward to realising the new biosecurity outcomes outlined in the document. Please contact David for more information. 

Posted February 2021.

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