Fight for the Wild

This beautiful documentary series details the battle our native environment is facing, and what must be done to protect it.

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Understanding the genome of myrtle rust

The genome of the fungus which causes the disease myrtle rust, Austropuccinia psidii, has been sequenced – what does this mean for the fight against myrtle rust?

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Myrtle rust find reported from Christchurch

A find of myrtle rust on a hedge in residential Christchurch marks the first report of the deadly disease on a host that was not newly planted in the region.

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Kauri dieback monitoring in the Waitākere Ranges

A new collaborate effort between Auckland Council, mana whenua and researchers is underway to monitor kauri dieback in the Waitākere Ranges Regional Park, with plans to survey up to 3,500 kauri trees for signs of the disease.

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Biodiversity Instruments: Concept Report

A new report on opportunities for increasing investment into projects and activities that preserve, support and expand Aotearoa New Zealand’s unique biological heritage.

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The persistence of degraded freshwater communities

Despite physical improvements, degraded aquatic communities in restored streams tend to persist.

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Conserving and restoring our taonga rākau 

Updates from the Conservation and Restoration team on the mahi they’re doing to safeguard trees that are impacted by myrtle rust and kauri dieback.

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Invasive wasps are sharing resources

New research has shown that invasive wasp species are sharing resources, allowing them to coexist.

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Taking climate change into account for conservation in Aotearoa

Without taking into consideration the impact that a changing climate could have on both native and non-native species, the benefits of pest control efforts could be lost. 

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Alby Marsh – bringing people together to fight myrtle rust

Alby Marsh is working with researchers and communities to build relationships and solutions that will help in the fight against myrtle rust.

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