A new researcher takes the reins at Scion

Dr Stuart Fraser is in the thick of his first field season leading the myrtle rust team at Scion. We sat down with him to get his insights on the disease in Aotearoa and abroad.

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Myrtle rust infection updates – 14 January 2020

The team at Scion didn’t stop for long over the Christmas break – this is their latest news about myrtle rust infections at selected monitoring sites in the North Island.

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Beetles helping to manage a common weed in Northland

Brazilian beetles could help control a common weed and regenerate native forest, according to a recent report led by Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research.

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Can feral cat control increase lambing rates?

This summer could tell the Cape to City team if their efforts to control feral cats have paid off.

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Mātauranga Māori special issue

Mātauranga Māori received long-overdue time in the spotlight in early December, at the launch of a special edition of the New Zealand Journal of Ecology (NZJE).

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A fond farewell in Ruatāhuna

Matua Tahae (Jim) Doherty received a fond farewell from working life and his role as Chair of the Tūhoe Tuawhenua Trust in late October.

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Tranche 2 Dec 2019 update

The scoping and design process for Tranche 2 is now complete and we have several new projects underway . . .

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A new recruit for Beyond Myrtle Rust

The pathogen causing myrtle rust might be tiny, but it’s effects could impact carbon, water and nutrient cycles at both the plant and ecosystem levels.

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Worldwide connections made at indigenous biosecurity hui

An International Indigenous Biosecurity Network will be established thanks to a hui taumata (conference) bringing together experts from around the globe.

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Myrtle rust featured at Tauranga Conservation week

There’s still plenty of local community interest about the research and management of myrtle rust.

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