Communicating our research through video

We are excited to announce that each of the seven Ngā Rākau Taketake research themes now has a video that highlights and showcases our important work. Video is a powerful medium for communication. It has the capacity to capture information in a compact and captivating way. Researchers are using video more and more as a way to bring their research to life and reach more diverse audiences.

These videos are a product of the 2021 Kauriland Summit. In June, 120 attendees representing community groups, iwi, research organisations, councils and government agencies came together online for the inaugural Kauriland Summit.

They discussed the research facilitated by Ngā Rākau Taketake on kauri ora and myrtle ora, and the two diseases (Phytophthora agathidicida and Austropuccinia psidii) threatening our iconic native trees. The summit was split into three sections to reflect the BioHeritage’s priority areas: Whakamana | Empower, Tiaki | Protect and Whakahou | Restore.

Each of the seven Ngā Rākau Taketake research themes were introduced with a video, crafted by a team led by Ngāriki Ngatae, the talented director of the award-winning short film Te Wao Nui. Following each video, the theme and Pou (Te Whakahononga) researchers engaged in a lively discussion session with the audience and session chair.

Between September 6th and October 11th, we shared these videos on our social media pages to further engage the broader community in the research being undertaken by each if these themes. The videos are now featured on each theme’s webpage.

Click the links below to read more about our seven themes – and to see the videos!

Posted October 2021.

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