Myrtle rust

NZPPI’s Climate Model: The latest tool in the battle against myrtle rust

A suite of tools and information to help plant nurseries manage myrtle rust outbreaks this summer has been released by New Zealand Plant Producers Inc (NZPPI).

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Beccy, Nick, Renee & Maj

The value of collaboration: four questions for four myrtle rust experts

Ngā Rākau Taketake (NRT) and Beyond Myrtle Rust (BMR) are partners in tackling myrtle rust. We spoke with Beccy Ganley and Nick Waipara (Rongowhakaata and Ngāti Ruapani ki Tūranga) from NRT and Mahajabeen Padamsee and Renee Johansen from BMR about their thoughts on the value of this collaboration.

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Myrtle rust

Exploring the molecular basis of myrtle rust

Austropuccinia psidii, the fungal pathogen that causes myrtle rust, has a large host range (at least 480 different species to date). How does this pathogen avoid detection by the plant defence mechanisms and successfully invade the plant tissues to gain nutrients from living cells?

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Genetic pest controls and how they sit with Māori

Pest control using RNAi or gene editing technologies could be the way forward for eradicating some pests in Aotearoa. But are they socially acceptable?

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How to: form a national biodiversity vision

Iwi, conservation groups, farmers, industry, businesses, government and individuals… everyone has options they can take to help reverse the decline of native biodiversity in Aotearoa New Zealand. But which options are best?

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New initiative supporting farmers to protect and restore native biodiversity

An innovative new pilot project aims to make it easier for pastoral farmers to protect and restore native biodiversity on their farms.

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November newsletter

Films, posters, webinars and research.

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The Beyond Myrtle Rust story map is here!

We’ve been hard at work articulating and illustrating what we are up to at Beyond Myrtle Rust. Here is our story.

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Vladislav Kholostiakov, plant whisperer

Beyond Myrtle Rust would like to introduce and welcome our newest PhD student, Vladislav Kholostiakov, to the broader myrtle rust community.

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Working with Scion to understand Lophomyrtus reproduction

Ramarama (Lophomyrtus bullata) and rōhutu (Lophomyrtus obcordata) are particularly susceptible to myrtle rust infection, with full tree death of ramarama first reported in 2020. It is critical we understand the reproduction of these species to ensure their survival.

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