Myrtle rust infection updates – 14 January 2020

The team at Scion didn’t stop for long over the Christmas break – this is their latest news about myrtle rust infections at selected monitoring sites in the North Island.

Image thanks to Roanne Sutherland, Scion.

Lake Rotoiti and Rotoma:

  • There was more infection than expected for this early in the season. Ramarama has been hit particularly hard, with all parts of the plant infected.
  • The first infection was recorded at the Lake Rotoiti site, on rōhutu.

Te Puke

  • Infection has been found within the research orchard.

Hunua Ranges

  • Little/no infection found this season.


  • Infection was found on Meterosideros perforata and M. fulgens (akatea, climbing rata) for the first time.
  • Dieback on plants is visible already. This wasn’t visible last year until late February/early March.
  • Myrtle rust was found on all new foliage this year and teliospores  were found on rōhutu.

To get a picture of myrtle rust infection across Aotearoa you can click here to view Plant & Food’s nation-wide map.

The BioHeritage Challenge is proud to support the continuation of this monitoring and research, previously established by MPI, DOC, B3 and partners.

Posted January 2020

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