Updates from the Conservation and Restoration team on the mahi they’re doing to safeguard trees that are impacted by myrtle rust and kauri dieback.
Updates from the Conservation and Restoration team on the mahi they’re doing to safeguard trees that are impacted by myrtle rust and kauri dieback.
Alby Marsh is working with researchers and communities to build relationships and solutions that will help in the fight against myrtle rust.
After having their funding from Auckland Council suspended early last year due to Covid-19, things are beginning to look up for Kauri Rescue again after becoming an independent charitable trust. We had a chat with Dr Mels Barton to find out what they’ve been up to lately.
Warmer winters means myrtle rust is more active over the winter months, leading to an increased threat for Myrtaceae species.
Master’s student Hone Ropata is researching how myrtle rust could impact aka (vine) species, while working as a part of the Plant & Food Research team. We had a chat to learn more about his mahi.
Work is underway to develop an integrated surveillance system for both myrtle rust and kauri dieback.
Dr Fabien Medvecky is working with the Ngā Rākau Taketake – Mobilising for Action team. We sat down to have a chat about his work.
Introducing a new co-lead, new research on kauri dieback, and updates from Beyond Myrtle Rust.
PhD candidate Alexa Byers has recently published new research in Soil Biology and Biochemistry on the composition of microbial communities in soil associated with roots of kauri that are symptomatic and asymptomatic for kauri dieback.
Dr Marion Wood has recently joined us as a new co-lead for the Ngā Rākau Taketake investment Control, Protect, Cure. We had a chat to learn more about her.