Alexa Byers writes about her PhD research into kauri dieback and soil microbiota
Alexa Byers writes about her PhD research into kauri dieback and soil microbiota
Hoa Nguyen had to improvise to save part of her PhD during lockdown,
It might not be ‘the season’ but the team from Beyond Myrtle Rust (BMR) couldn’t wait to get back out into the field this month.
This project aimed to assess the relative risk posed by myrtle rust to six Myrtaceae species under natural New Zealand conditions. Here’s what they found.
Over the 2019/2020 field season myrtle rust disease occurrence and severity was recorded fortnightly at two field sites in the Rotorua district. Here’s what they found.
Authentic partnership with mana whenua takes pride of place in the BioHeritage Challenge. But what happens when seven different teams all want to honour this process in a similar field of work?
Details of the Ngā Rākau Taketake investments, how policy needs science and news from MPI
We “sat down” with Katrin Webb from DOC to talk about how policy uses the science provided to them, and how useful it is to have everyone at the table from the very beginning.
A study has just been published containing new evidence that Austropuccinia psidii, the fungus that causes myrtle rust, is reproducing sexually in New Zealand in addition to cloning itself.
Measuring dissolved organic matter could give an idea of the extent to which trees are infected with Phytophthora agathidicida, according to a recent study.