Linda Faulkner

Affiliation: Tūtaiao Limited

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Linda is of Ngāti Rangi and Whanganui descent and has worked for many years in the environmental management sector, with a focus at the interface between science and mātauranga Māori. She is currently the Director of Tūtaiao Limited, a private consultancy focusing on people, policy and planning.  This has required Linda to juggle a range of contracts with iwi organisations and government agencies creating and supporting opportunities for Māori success. Linda is also Manahautū for the Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge and has worked in the Challenge for the past seven years, providing oversight and coordination of its Māori research leadership and practice.

Previously, as General Manager Māori for the Environmental Protection Authority, Linda established and coordinated a network of iwi and hapū resource managers whose work informed environmental, cultural and risk assessment and management decision making. 

She has also been associated with the research sector in New Zealand for many years including with the DSIR and HortResearch.  In more recent years Linda has served as assessor and Chair for several MBIE science investment and review panels. Linda has also fulfilled a number of governance roles in iwi development, Māori housing, early childhood education and health.

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