Crazy & Ambitious 2

Almost 300 people attended Crazy & Ambitious 2 earlier this year, enjoying a mix of dynamic panel discussions, inspiring keynote speakers and quick-fire research updates.

Highlights from the Crazy & Ambitious 2 symposium

Partnering for Impact was the over-arching theme of the event, with a powerful line-up of inspirational speakers and panelists setting the scene for a future we can all aspire to.

Dynamic and interactive, the symposium was split into three distinctive sections to reflect the priority areas in BioHeritage’s new strategyWhakamana, tiaki and whakahou (Empower, protect and restore).

There were a total of 10 keynotes, six panel discussions and 14 quick-fire updates on the science and research being done across our 18 Challenge Parties.

In addition, Te Tira Whakamātaki (TTW) hosted an evening event on Day One focused on indigenous environmental concerns in a shrinking world. It was headlined by Danbi Cho who talked about enriching environmental science with indigenous knowledge, followed by Q&As and a TTW award presentation.

Watch videos from the event

See images from the event. You’re welcome to use these photos but we ask that you credit us accordingly: Image: BioHeritage Challenge. Please email us with any queries.

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