
  • Maire tawake and ramarama: higher genetic diversity in the north than the south

    At the Kaurilands Summit 2023, early career researchers Colan Balkwill and Amy MacDonald presented new research on the conservation genetics of maire tawake and ramarama, two of our native myrtles. Both studies found higher genetic diversity in northern populations than southern populations. These results will be valuable for future seed banking and restoration activities.

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  • Horror in the ngahere: myrtle rust is graphic novel’s ‘big bad’

    With The Last of Us making cordyceps a household name, and many other evil moulds creeping through our screens and libraries, it seems that fungi and horror are a match made in… hell.

    Aroha Novak (Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāi Te Rangi) is a multidisciplinary artist based in Ōtepoti Dunedin and has added fertiliser to the fungal horror garden with her graphic novel, Myrtle Rust.

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  • Immersive tool tells kids to “Grab your virtual gumboots!”

    BioHeritage and Manaaki Whenua have co-funded an Unlocking Curious Minds project to develop Kiwi Kai, an evidence-based educational tool wrapped up in an online role-playing game. Playing as an up-and-coming farmer, the player aims to balance food production with caring for nature and their community.

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