
Future-proofing Aotearoa’s biosecurity system is critical: we’re working with our partners to foresee emerging risks and develop cutting-edge tools to deal with them.

Ngā Rākau Taketake

Work is well underway on developing a programme that aims to accelerate the critical research needed to combat the spread of kauri dieback and myrtle rust.

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Biosecurity network interventions

The spread of pests, weeds and pathogens into Aotearoa is a major cause of the decline of its biological heritage.

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Combating pathogen risk using genomics

Rapid assessments of the potential impact of pathogens are critical in protecting ecosystems from new threats.

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Conservation & Restoration

Ensuring susceptible plant species survive myrtle rust and kauri dieback.

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Control, Protect, Cure

This investment will incorporate research from across Ngā Rākau Taketake, with an emphasis on novel tools and approaches.

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Flagship sites

To enhance community engagement and raise the profile of science, we support three flagship sites – areas that showcase to the public research done by our Challenge parties.

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Host, Pathogen & Environment

Looking at the role environmental factors play on disease expression and severity, pathogen spread and establishment, as well as investigating plant pathogen genomes.

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Managing threats to freshwater taonga invertebrates

Management of non-native fish may be the answer to safeguarding freshwater taonga (treasured) species in our waterways.

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Mobile apps to keep New Zealand safe

A bilingual app that detects hosts of myrtle rust is the first in a suite of mobile technologies being planned to help New Zealanders report suspected biosecurity threats.

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Oranga (wellbeing)

Mātauranga Māori based solutions for kauri dieback and myrtle rust

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Risk Assessment & Ecosystem Impacts

Developing standardised measures to quantify the impact both kauri dieback and myrtle rust are having on the wider ecosystem.

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Stopping kauri dieback in its tracks

Selected native plant extracts may be able to attract and kill the spores of Phytophthora agathidicida – the pathogen causing kauri dieback, according to researchers.

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Taking the sting out of the common wasp

Large-scale eradication may be in store for the humble wasp – a species responsible for one of the worst pest problems in Aotearoa.

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Tiaki mō kauri: citizens combating kauri dieback

A community-led social science programme is bringing together communities to help save Aotearoa’s iconic kauri tree.

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Whakawātea riha rāwaho

Traditional Māori knowledge and cultural solutions may be the key to combating the serious fungal disease myrtle rust.

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