Kauri Dieback & Myrtle Rust

More knowledge about these devastating plant diseases
is needed to underpin future approaches and tools to fight them. For the latest news click here.

Ngā Rākau Taketake

Work is well underway on developing a programme that aims to accelerate the critical research needed to combat the spread of kauri dieback and myrtle rust.

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Combating pathogen risk using genomics

Rapid assessments of the potential impact of pathogens are critical in protecting ecosystems from new threats.

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Conservation & Restoration

Ensuring susceptible plant species survive myrtle rust and kauri dieback.

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Control, Protect, Cure

This investment will incorporate research from across Ngā Rākau Taketake, with an emphasis on novel tools and approaches.

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Host, Pathogen & Environment

Looking at the role environmental factors play on disease expression and severity, pathogen spread and establishment, as well as investigating plant pathogen genomes.

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Integrated Surveillance

A hapū-centric surveillance framework that focuses on the holistic health of the forest.

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Kauri Dieback Science Stocktake

A list of past and current research focussed on biology, impacts and management of kauri dieback is now available.

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Mobilising for action

Focusing on the human dimensions of forest health management, specifically kauri dieback and myrtle rust.

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Myrtle Rust Science Stocktake

A list of past and current research focussed on biology, impacts and management of myrtle rust is now available. This…

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Oranga (wellbeing)

Mātauranga Māori based solutions for kauri dieback and myrtle rust

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Risk Assessment & Ecosystem Impacts

Developing standardised measures to quantify the impact both kauri dieback and myrtle rust are having on the wider ecosystem.

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Stopping kauri dieback in its tracks

Selected native plant extracts may be able to attract and kill the spores of Phytophthora agathidicida – the pathogen causing kauri dieback, according to researchers.

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Tiaki mō kauri: citizens combating kauri dieback

A community-led social science programme is bringing together communities to help save Aotearoa’s iconic kauri tree.

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Whakawātea riha rāwaho

Traditional Māori knowledge and cultural solutions may be the key to combating the serious fungal disease myrtle rust.

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