Kauri Dieback Science Stocktake

Kauri tree. Image: Andrea Byrom

A list of past and current research focused on biology, impacts and management of kauri dieback is now available.

This updated stocktake builds on work previously undertaken by the BioHeritage Challenge and MPI, and the current version has been collated with assistance from DOC and MPI.

We would love to hear from you if we are missing any projects that others might be interested in hearing about. We will update the list from time to time in an effort to avoid duplication of research effort and to foster collaboration.

If you want further information about any of the projects please let us know and we can put you in touch with the relevant project leaders. The stocktake is a living document so feel free to alert us to any errors or omissions.

To view the Kauri Dieback Science Stocktake click here.

To get in touch regarding the stocktake, email NRTSupport@bioheritage.weavearchive.xyz

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